We have been set west for several days to stay away from the high and ridge, so now we will have to start heading back east. Long. 159.59’ which puts of west of the island of Kauai. This is our farthest westerly position and the deepest waters to sail in: ~ 20,400 feet deep. We reset the vane and head 0°Compass Course. We are on a broad reach, port tack, the 160 pulling nicely with 10-12 wind and 2-3 seas.
We all bathed, transferred all the juice from the icebox( in head area) to the ice chest(no ice) in the cockpit. Put all the liter water bottles in the icebox, cleaned cockpit, galley, separated out all the wet potatoes that got wet yesterday from the leaky filter. I sat in cockpit and scrubbed all the potatoes, towel dried them and re-stowed them. I was washing my well worn bathing suit and t-shirt when Jean and I had strikes. It ran 7/8 of my line out, my reel was hot and I was tightening my drag and lost it. Jean got hers close to the boat but the lure pulled out. We have lost 4 big ones today.
A big glass fishing ball from Japan floats by our stern within 5 feet.
I put on nice new clothes and everyone is shocked to see me so nice.
Mike is tackling the SSB antenna so hopefully we can transmit tonight.
Today has been delightful, no problems, beautiful sail, overcast so not hot. Our bathing salt water is cooler and takes your breath away with that first bucket.
Practiced taking sights today. I lie down to take a nap at 1430 hrs but Mike come below to check out the SSB radio, which is at the Nav station and next to my bunk. I pull the radio out and he says all the connections look good.
1600 hrs- A strike on the new purple lure on the hand line after Jean put it out. 2.5 ft Mahi~10 lb. Jean fillets it and it is in the skillet cooking along with onion, cabbage ginger and soy. I baked bran muffins in the oven.
My first time to bake muffins
Mike repairing vane a few days ago
My first time to bake muffins
Mike repairing vane a few days ago
Finally got a call through to Joyce, my boss and friend in Hawaii. She will call family and others who are on the call roster. The PT clinic has a big chart up with our updated positions. The soldiers are enjoying this nautical event. My mother is most concerned about this voyage as she is keeping Jean’s daughter Erin. She states that she worried twice about me: this trip and when I was stationed in Viet Nam in 1969-70. The first time I called her on this trip to give her the lat/long she did not have a clue as to what I was telling her. It never occurred to me to explain to her how to write down lat/ long. Degrees, minutes, seconds, North and West. Her first position was questioned by several of my nautical friends. We live and learn. Speaking of learning:
Mike showed Jean and I how to use his HP calculator for Rhumline and sight reduction. Really neat and so fast.
2135 hrs- What a great day! Going to my bunk.
12 July- Very rolley during the night. Not much sleep and I am tired this morning. Mike stepped wrong and pinched his meniscus in his knee so he’s resting in his bunk and can’t bear much weight on his leg.
Today Jean and I poled out the 130 to starboard and the 160 to port and dropped the main. Lots of sail 10 wind and 2-4 seas.
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The 130 poled out to starboard Vane steering from westerlies |
A nice day, Mike hobbled to make grits for breakfast and I cooked chili, onions and cheese for lunch. Our first canned meal. NO fish today, our first without. On course to Cape Flattery. Nights are getting cooler, but still warm in daytime.
Was clear all day, no rain squalls. It is so pleasant and smooth. It seems as tough we are all tired every other day, so I am looking forward tob e rejuvenated tomorrow. Listening to KMI which is not clear tonight.