I drive into Portland to go to West Marine Store and buy some cetol for my teak grab bars. The price has gone up to $44.99 for a quart, but is on sale for $29.99. What a bargin! My alcohol is $29.99 a gallon, but I heard from a boater yesterday that I can get the same quality of alcohol from Home Depot for about $12.00 a gallon. I’ll have to investigate that, as it is ridiculous to pay that amount for alcohol.
Dan, the owner of WhiskyJack, with whom I met yesterday emailed me today thanking me for stopping by and introducing myself. He took time to read my blog and was pleasantly surprised and complimented me on a job well done. He offered up some good reading material for Shatoosh about the Columbia River, which sounded interesting. He, too, has a fascination with Fisher sailboats which are made in England.
I had called my dock friends, Paul and Carol to let them know there was a lot of debris building up between their 60 foot yacht and the dock. They came down this evening and we were able to get all the debris out and swiftly down river it went. We discovered mutual friends that we know on Orcas Island. Paul is building a larger version of Shatoosh out of steel at his home and states that it is near time to turn the hull over.
I’ve been having a major allergic reaction to the cottonwoods since coming down and I’m taking antihistamines to quiet the effects on my eyes. They are red, watery and swollen. With this new episode, I think I will go to bed early.