I can see Mt St Helens, Mt Adams and Mt Hood clearly. The other day a Mt St Helens climber had reached the summit and taken his pack off and removed a layer of clothing. His climbing partners were going to take his photo and as he was stepping backwards a large snow cornice broke away carrying him over 1700 ft to the inside of the crater floor. They threw him his pack, but with several chopper attempts and night falling, he had to stay on the mountain until the next day. They recovered his body the next day. He had climbed the mountain over 50 times. I reflected on this event, as I looked at St Helens, and know his family is suffering his tragic loss. I climbed St Helens in 1967, long before its eruption and it was on a sunny day like today.
The workers have been busy replacing the floatation to the old docks. I wonder what they do with all these blocks? Can they be recycled? It would take ions to desinegrate.
My frustrations started back at my anchor light. I had spoken with a representative, as they never responded to my email, and they stated to open the light encasement just twist the upper section from the base. I put some wd 40 around the edge and twisted with rubber gloves to no avail. I finally gave up on that project and will be content, not having an LED anchor light.
I unclipped my flags for the winter using my favorite little scissors and after I returned to the cockpit I could not find them anywhere. Where had they gone? After some time I gave up looking any more. Next, I tried to find my oil filter remover- I have 2-, but after looking for them through 4 lockers I couldn't find them. I do not know where they are. Has someone been on board and started hiding everything or am I becoming forgetful? Gosh, I hope not. I was suscessful at replacing a lost canvas snap. Hurray, things are looking up. I head into Scappoose and have a very late lunch/early dinner at the Mexican Restaurant. I take some inventories of on board supplies/engine parts and pull together all my Snake and Columbia river articles/booklets/maps for the Lewis and Clark expedition.
I'm up early and have breakfast at Ichabods in Scappoose, then stop at the grocery store to buy a few things for this weekend. I decide to go to Coon island, only 4 miles down river, so I can test out my SeaClear Program with my HP mini. I pull out from under the covered slip and I am not getting a signal from the GPS.
I just let it be and watch 4 eagles fly up and down the river. The Sandhill Cranes and Canada Geese are making quite a bit of ruckus over on Savie Island. The river is loaded with commorants, the Blue Herons are looking like they might be building some nests and the Ospreys have not returned. There are lots of boats at Coon already, so I select a spot next to a beautiful Nauticat 33. I start on my wiring problem, troubleshooting all the wires from the GPS, Radar and computer as they are all connected. I take them all apart and start over. The wires from the computer are very small and delicate. It is a trial of patience and persistence and after 3 hours I have everything working again, with better connections. I really need to solder them, but because the cramped electrical panel and working length of wires I would not be able to do it by myself. so for now, it will have to do. I am happy that I succeeded in something. And by the way, I found my scissors lodged between the cockpit cushion and coaming.
The sun has set behind the west side of Coon Island. I watch the four eagles head back up river. Darkness has set in and my dock mates continue to run their generator for over 3 hours now. I've missed hearing the coyotes with all this noise. My espar has warmed the cockpit and forecabin and I have a light dinner of salami and cheese, washed down with a green drink/electrolytes and followed up with a mug of hot tea. I love being on the water and look forward to another sunny day.