Saturday, May 15, 2010

24th Women's Cruise-In:A Spectacular Event

The welcome mat is laid out on the dock at Coon Island. I put on my Albineers nametag and join in on the fun.
Anyone for cruising to Hawaii?

How 'bout high tea in Victoria?

Let's Go to the San Juan Islands

Pirates in the Caribbean

Big Booty On Board

Pacific Northwest Totems

Over to the Orient

Bahama Mamas
Palapala(Barbara): Heads up the committee boat in her elegant Hula oufit once used in the Merry Monarch Hula Festival in Hilo, Hawaii.
Her crew look like they are having fun.
Watch Out:
Captain Bev, a seasoned Columbia and Snake River cruiser goes over locking proceedures and favorite destinations with Hira. Bev's mother listens in while she knits away.

The Talent Show: Captain Bev and her crew perform Singing In the Rain and that is Bev's mother taking the lead dancer position. Wow.

Barbara and her crew Perfom: Can you imagine getting so dressed up for a dock party? I don't even have land clothes that look like this.

Octogenerian Dot and her crew from Warrenton sailed 90 miles in her Catalina 36 to get here for the party. In 24 years she has only missed 3 cruise-ins. The crew all learned to play the ukelele for this trip and Dot played her electric mini-violin and sang/telling stories of cruises in the past. She reminded me of Marjorie Maine of Tug Boat Annie Days. So Cute and loved by many. You go, girl.

Even the dogs loved it.

Aloha O'i  from Coon Island