I get to Shatoosh aft
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Memorial Working and Cruising Week May 2009
I get to Shatoosh aft
Scappoose Moorage to Martin Slough
The whole morning is spent getting ice and groceries and getting everything stowed. I eat lunch at Fred Meyer while I was there. I run the engine briefly to warm up the oil and make certain the transmission is in order, then check the oil and coolant levels, the water pump and the alternator belt is ok. The batteries have enough water in them. The engine looks as though it was just installed. I place the traveling docks lines on and back out of the slip around 1300 hrs.
The sun is shining, but there is a n-nw wind blowing, so I know the Columbia River will be rough. I arrive at St. Helen's and the river is chaotic, waves are going every direction. I have never liked this place. I just tolerate it. I hug that Oregon shore and get out of some of the wind and wave lines. I see my Martin Bluff in the distance and veer out on the river to make my crossing and the full force of the wind and waves makes me stand at the helm to steer. I time my turn to starboard at Martin Bluff to coincide with the wave patterns and find a quiet segment to turn.
The high water line is significant and I pass the rocky point to port which is completely underwater. Now I have the wind and waves on my stern, I slow Shatoosh to 5 knots and head straight for my osprey nests. The owners of Martin island have done some major cutting of brush, Burke island has really been cleared. The narrow entrance to the lagoon is now expansive and the water level almost up to the top of the dikes. I have 14 feet of water under the keel. I usually go through with 7 feet. there is sailboat and powerboat anchored. This weekend there are 4 yacht clubs scheduled to be here.(I'm told later that 70 boats were in here). I tie up to the dock and have the place to myself. I can see they have cleared all my favorite blackberry bushes, left the perimeter ones intact. I'd hate not getting berries in the fall.
I was told that the 90 year old matriarch stated her family is ranching the island, and she refuses to let the government take her property by immanent domain just so they can fill the lagoon and her island with dredgings. She won her case and the government will use Cottonwood Island instead, which they apparently already own. They have increased their cattle population and I see lots of new calves this year. They are so cute as they come down to water, bucking and jumping around.
Just as the little calves had their play time, I see a new animal on the island. A coyote immerges from the trail. It appears he has been following the little ones. He by-passes the Great Blue Heron and the mallards but stands and watches the calves for a long time. He then leaves going toward the north end of the island.
Martin Slough to Cottonwood Island in Carrolls Channel via Kalama
Departing Martin Slough with the mid-morning sun warming my heart and soul, I meander slowly out of Martin Slough through the deep cut, turning to port and heading down to the osprey nest watching this mother sit on her eggs. She usually has 2 babies. Its a straight shot to the Columbia River from here, a few truckers barreling down I-5 honk at me and I return a toot on my little horn. I never know what the river is going to be like, but the rustling of the Cottonwood trees indicate that the wind is blowing. I have already donned my life jacket, all the hatches are battened down and my side and aft windows tightly snapped shut. I savour my last gulp of coffee and hug the Wa. coastline to Kalama. I cruise through to see if the pump-out station is working. The out of order sign is no longer there, so will assume it is functioning. I had emailed Larry, the skipper of the Starship and he wasn't certain that it was functioning.
I pass the grain elevator and 2 tugs are getting
from the dock. I give them a wide berth and pull to port so I can make the Kalama river channel marker. There is a large sand bar here, so if you are not paying attention you can end up on the
bar as many people have. I remember meeting a guy in the Delta who had done that very thing.
He had a big fancy Albin 30 and was barreling down river at 12 knots and plowed right up on the bar.
Just downriver I turn to starboard and enter Carroll's Channel. The water flattens out and I'm interested in seeing the back side of the island beyond where I anchor, so I take my time poking around. The wind is blowing more than usual through here as I approach the lower end of the island. I can see several areas of dredging pipes that are laid out, but no activity. Perhaps they are getting ready to work on dredging this lower end. The Cowlitz River is dead ahead and enters the Columbia just ahead to port. You can see the Longview Bridge and the Longview lumber yards.
My nautical library is nice and tidy and is a great source of interesting reading for me and my guests. There is nothing so comfortable as lying up in the fore-peak, nestled in a big pile of down bedroll, with cushions and pillows and reading a book.
Undaunted Courage is responsible for me Exploring the Columbia River
Red Sky in Mourning was written by Tami Oldham who bought Sabra from me when I went to India. She was shipwrecked by a pacific hurricane and juryrigged her boat and sailed into Hilo harbor, Hawaii. Sabra was the first boat her grandparents bought for her after her epic tragedy and adventure.
I pull Undaunted Courage off the shelf and begin reading to see if there is anything mentioned about the Lewis and Clark expedition on Cottonwood Island, but the warm sun beaming in through the forward hatch has a lazy effect on me and within minutes I have fallen asleep. About 15 minutes later I wake up and see that Lewis and Clarke never made it to Cottonwood island, but they did stay over on Prescott beach across from the island.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Cottonwood Island--Goble--Cottonwood Island
A very deep rumble begins to penetrate my awarenes. I say to myself, "wow, what kind of engine is this?" It must be a huge train with an exceptional load. In a few minutes the engines appear as the train emerges through a stand of cottonwood trees. I count 5, then the train continues to roll on down the line headed toward Portland. I count 94 cars. I have learned to be aware of the different sounds that the trains make. I can recognize the Portland Tacoma Amtrak train, as it is fast, and short in length and light on the rails. The track switching across the channel has its own tune made up of clanks and screeches.
Being alone on board makes my senses more acutely aware, the things I see, the smells, the sights, the sounds, the perceptions are all heightened. Feeling the tide change, paying attention to the wind as it picks up during the night, noticing a change in my visual field and sighting an animal out of the corner of my eye. Being silent and aware brings such fruits. This morning I am lamenting that I have lost my little blue plastic bowl, so I am scanning the opposite shore with my binocs, where I last saw it. Then out of the corner of my eye I spot an eagle flying and beginning to swoop down and catch an unsuspecting fish with its talons. Then out of the blue comes a behavior I have never seen: it gently lands on the water as if he were a seagull. He begins to dip his head in the river and splash the water onto his back. "Oh my gosh," I say to myself, "he's taking a bath". I have never seen an eagle take a bath. "How exciting is this?"
He then preceeds to flap his wings into the water and actually paddle himself over to shore and climbs up unto a tree branch near the water's edge where he preens himself in the sun. He stays there for 20 minutes. Meanwhile I spot 3 other bald eagles flying and landing on various heights of broken tree branches all along the shore. One has a fish that he is eating. What a spectacular scene.
I elected to just use my ice chest this time, but notice my block is dwindling fairly fast, so decide today I'm heading back out of Carroll's Channel to Goble, Or to pick up another block of ice. I decide since I have weighed anchor I will go across the channel to see if I can see my little blue bowl, but after several sweeps looking with binocs I don't see it. I motor over to the a grouping of pilings that have osprey nests on the top of them. Mother and Father are not happy I'm in their area and scream some at me, but I stay long enough to get a picture of the nest. Mother is hunkered down on the egg.

I enter the Columbia and the wind is still blowing but the waves are small. I cross the river and head over to Coffin Rocks, near the old, imploded nuclear tower site. There are 2 eagles soaring in the thermals and periodically landing in the trees on the mainland above the Rocks. I tuck inside and follow the shoreline up to Goble. Its a little marina, RV park, saloon, all of which are terribly run down. I guess a better word might be dilapidated. An old man and lady run the place and they are probably in their 80's or maybe very run down 70's. Its a place you don't want to stay long and the faster you get out of Goble seems to be the wisdom of the river. Today, I had to wait for a very skinny pathetic looking lady to check out her 2 big, bottles of wine, so I took the time to look at the photo area near the door. There was a picture of the owners in their younger years and they were quite a handsome couple. She was sitting in her recliner a few feet away. Her walker and motorized scooter were just outside. She wore her nightgown and robe. There were lots of photos of Bush, American flags, banners about the NRA and a photo of Charlton Heston at a NRA conference. Its a place that might have a gun behind the counter.
Its the closest place for block ice, otherwise I would never venture into the place.
As soon as I got my ice loaded in the chest I was out of there, back on the beeg river and moving quickly down river with the tide and current in my favor. Headed for my peaceful and tranquil anchorage behind Cottonwood island in Carroll's Channel. It all seems pretty quite for a Memorial Weekend.

I see where my anchoring spot is, but now the wind has really picked up in the channel. I motor up to my spot and drop the anchor, but by the time I get back to the helm the wind has blown me over my anchor. This is not what I want.

Cottonwood Island

Early morning coffee, then a nice eggs and polish sausage breakfast. Now I am ready to put in some more work. First, on the list is to replace my favorite America Great Loop Cruising Association flag which was ripped off the mast by the headwinds coming down river on Thursday afternoon. I dive into my flag stash that my good retired Naval buddy, Glenn has provided. I pull out a brightly colored Scottish flag which certainly is appropriate for all my Scottish ancestors.
Next, I see my old anchor gloves are filthy dirty so they go into a bucket for soaking, scrubbing and then drying out in the sun. I decide to clean the anchor chain locker, which I do not remember ever cleaning. All the extra rode is pulled out and placed neatly on deck, then the locker is scrubbed and since it is all teak, I oil it later on. After re stowing all the rode, the fore peak is nice and tidy. Then I clean all the windows inside and out and replace my windshield wiper blade.

I take a break up in my favorite reading area. This time I tackle reading Endurance, Shacketon's Incredible Voyage which he took in 1915 at Antarctica. It is a very unbelievably account of terrible hardships over a 16 month period. How he and his 28 member team survived is beyond belief. I couldn't put the book down all afternoon.
Cottonwood Island to Martin Slough Via Kalama

I find the pump out station for the head is now working again, which is most convenient. This is such a better place to pump out than St. Helens. I motor on down to the guest dock and tie up. I decide to go into town which entails a unique journey of sorts. In between the town and the marina are the railroad tracks and the interstate highway. In order to walk into town you must first cross the railroad tracks, which means you have to climb 3 open flights of stairs to get to the walkway over the tracks, then 3 flights down.