Upon returning to Shatoosh the guys have finished putting on the swim platform and it looks so good. So stable and strong.
Only 2 holes below the water line, on the inner brackets.
I like this one from the side street.
At 1600 hrs, the Salmi team arrives, they let me ride the ways down, in Shatoosh. Charles is running the engine controls, Steve and Dave are on the railcar, high atop the ramps, ready to lower the braces that hold Shatoosh upright. The rail car slows and we float off. They hand line me around the piliing, tie me up and run an elecrical card down to me. I get to stay here until departure day. After settling in at the dock the rains begin, lightly, but continue off and on all evening and night.
She looks good and is ready to go to the ocean.