I managed to find a space to sleep in the fore cabin, but awoke ready to go at 0545. After coffee and green drink and a few nuts I was ready to get to work. My new paint does have a cream tint, but only slightly. I painted the quarter berths and the shelves above them and they were the exact length of my arm+the brush/roller, which made it somewhat easy. Lying at the foot end of the bunk painting the ceiling, end and inner wall were a little harder. Thank heavens for the fan blowing on me the whole time. I finished about 1130 hrs. Made my way up to Fred Meyers to get lunch and a few items to help in storage of misc. things. Also bought some new sheets. After 9 years I deserve some new ones. The rest of the day was spent organizing, cleaning lockers, seeing how I could revamp some of the locker space to utilize them better. I cleaned out the dock box and gathered items to take to the marine exchange.
I really like how things are looking and feeling. There is not as much clutter. I do hate clutter.
Tomorrow will be cleaning the vinyl and restowing articles. Then I get to install my new little speakers.
I was delighted to see another Albin blogger join mine. Her name is Carol and is an ex harness racer. Wow. She and her husband own an Albin 27 in Florida. Click on her photo of the little bird in the "followers" section. She has some great wildlife links. You might find her blogs intesting.
She is a great photographer.
The back end of the berth with shelf. I even painted the underside of the cockpit. Away with Gray is my motto.
Things that . . . work: EcoSeb DD122EA-CLASSIC Dehumidifier
I have been meaning to do this post for a LONG time, and here it is. Over
the time we have posted about a few items we as full-time liveaboards have
7 years ago