I depart early so I can get a tie up at the dock in Gig Harbor. I want to meet friends for lunch. Jane and Virginia come and we meet at the local hangout--The Tides Tavern. After lunch I run into an ole vessel I knew in Honolulu, Hawaii and the new owner brought her over a few years back and is cruising local waters in the summer time, but she is for sale, as he is wanting a power boat. He hasn't raised the sails in the years he has had her here.
I call one of my old crew persons, Georgia. She was one of my best crew on Sabra, years ago and even made a trip to the Delta to spend some time on Shatoosh. She was delighted to hear of our arrival and ventured down for a visit. It was delightful to talk with her and we will definitely have to arrange for boating time. Her husband is ill, and she has been busy taking care of him, but hopefully we can get a few hours in or an over nighter. She is the best cook I have ever had on board and yes, she noses out Joyce.
Shatoosh catches an eye of another dock walker. He owns an Albin 27 Vega, designed by the same Swedish Naval Architect as Shatoosh. He refers me to a place in the tide flats where a fiberglassing company has made up a 2 part epoxy paint which matches the Albin Color, which has always been a rather strange color to me. This is good news and a lead that I will have to track down.
I love being in Gig Harbor as it has always been my favorite place to hang out.
Things that . . . work: EcoSeb DD122EA-CLASSIC Dehumidifier
I have been meaning to do this post for a LONG time, and here it is. Over
the time we have posted about a few items we as full-time liveaboards have
7 years ago