I'm off at 0600 with swim platform in tow(actually it is nesting in the rear area) headed on a clear, sunny morning. We have had 4 days of sun, which is a record. It has been over 200 days since we have had 4 sunny consecutive days. I pull into the Warrenton Boat Yard at 1000 hrs. and Dave removes the platform. He confirms my haulout date 7 June 2011 at 0500 hrs.to coincide with high tide. Next I head over to the Harbor Master of the marina on the Skipanon River. Bob tells me I can dock on the end tie to wait for a good weather opportunity if need be. All the pieces are falling into place. I find where the airport greyhound bus arrives, which will be bringing Joyce, my crew. I locate the market which has a good write up on the Internet.
I drive back across Young's Bay to the Port of Astoria to look around. There is a cruise ship in, and the Lady Washington and the Hawaiian Chieftain are in port getting ready for the afternoon sail and battle fights with blasting canons. The Lady Washington was actually used once in the Pirates of the Caribbean. I stop in at the Astoria Maritime Museum and buy me a new cap for my next adventure.
A quick lunch at the fish and chips boat. I sit on the curb, with wonderful sun beams hitting me and watch the tall ships sailing on their beam reaches. Life is good.
I arrive at Scappoose and buy 8 gallons of drinking water and I am delighted to find the ramp almost level. Normally, there is a 20 foot drop to the docks. They are letting out lots of water from the dams, so the river is full of water and debris, but makes my hauling slick and easy.
I run into Paul and Carol, my dock mates and later we have a nice Mexican dinner together. It has been a long time since I have gotten to see them. They are selling their custom designed/built steel cutter. Paul has built all his boats and is currently building a 30 foot steel diesel cruiser. He has taken some lines/ideas off the Albin 25. One day I hope to see it up north. Today has been wonderful.
Things that . . . work: EcoSeb DD122EA-CLASSIC Dehumidifier
I have been meaning to do this post for a LONG time, and here it is. Over
the time we have posted about a few items we as full-time liveaboards have
7 years ago